ALLG Completes Successful EHA Virtual Congress

On Sunday, June 21, the European Hematology Association closed its annual congress, which was held virtually this year (#EHA25virtual).
The ALLG and its members and colleagues participated in #EHA25virtual in several ways. Not only did the ALLG have a virtual booth at this year’s virtual meeting, but also several ALLG Members presented results from ALLG-related research, multiple ALLG members provided oral presentations in their areas of expertise, key international collaborators presented results related to collaborations with ALLG.
We recap the full 10-day virtual event for you here.
Tonight, Thursday July 2, several ALLG leaders will be presenting their views on the most important information for ANZ patients coming out of the EHA congress as panelists on EHA Haematology Game-Changers webcast from 7 – 8:30 pm AEST. Dr Leanne Berkahn is hosting, Prof Andrew Spencer is representing MSAG, and Dr Tara Cochrane and A/Prof Anoop K. Enjeti are both representing the ALLG in the latest in the webcast series specifically designed for clinicians and organised by The Limbic. The webcast will be available on-demand for those healthcare professionals who cannot make the live event.
Find out more about the EHA Game-Changers webcast here.
Read the Special EHA Wrap-up issue of ALLG News here.