ALLG featured in The Limbic: “Five decades at the ‘cutting edge’: ALLG turns 50”
The ALLG has featured in The Limbic with an article titled: “Five decades at the’ cutting edge’: ALLG turns 50”.
The story includes an interview with Professor Judith Trotman, the ALLG’s Scientific Advisory Committee Chair, who said:
Fifty years ago, most patients with blood cancer died within months. Now, many will have a near-normal life expectancy.”
A subscription may be required to access full article.
You can also learn more about the ALLG’s five decades of impact in clinical trials for blood cancer here.
For five decades now, our cooperative group, the ALLG has been bringing together blood cancer experts from across Australia and New Zealand to volunteer their time and run clinical trials to change the way blood cancers – leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, – are treated. Our not-for-profit has contributed to what are now standard treatments for some blood cancers and continues to drive change for greater access to new and more effective therapies for patients.
If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, speak with you doctor and visit ALLG’s Current Clinical Trials list and see Frequently Asked Questions about participating in a clinical trial and learn more here about getting involved in clinical trial research.
You can sign up here to receive our quarterly community newsletter, ALLG News, for clinical trial news and more. You can learn more about ALLG News and access current and past editions to read online here.
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Did you know that the ALLG is registered charity?
100% of donations go to our clinical trials’ program. Find out some of the ways you can support this mission for better treatments, better lives for patients with blood cancer. Learn more here.