Creating greater awareness of the ALLG and Members research
ALLG members need a voice and a connection with Government bodies, the research and pharmaceutical sectors and each other. To facilitate this we have recently put considerable concentrated focus toward opportunities to create greater awareness of the ALLG and the members research efforts.
Our messaging and reach since January has included: a PBAC letter calling for action in the review of new medications that could improve the treatment of those with AML; four submissions to government addressing the National Research Infrastructure Capability Roadmap, the renewed NHMRC Safety Reporting framework, the revision of the NHMRC’s assessment for funding of clinical trials, and the proposal for Tax DGR Reform Opportunities to Treasury.
The ALLG submitted to the Senate Inquiry: Funding for Research into Cancers with Low Survival Rates, and received an invitation to address the Senate Committee on 7 June 2017. We would like to thank Professor’s Mark Hertzberg and Andrew Roberts, and Peter Kempen Chairman for their wise and considered contributions to the Senators. We are hopeful this interaction will foster a closer relationship with government and help us achieve the much needed voice for the membership. The full transcript will be available in the coming months.