Where to now for the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)?

 In News

Late last year the Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group (ALLG) welcomed the release of the Select Committee report into Funding for Research into Cancers with Low Survival Rates, calling on the Federal Government to make research into low–survival cancers a national health priority.


ALLG featured strongly in the report and were instrumental in a number of the 25 recommendations the committee presented to government. In response, the ALLG put out a media release welcoming the report and highlighting our support in the implementation of the recommendations.

As a result, the Federal Government announced the release of an additional $78 million for research projects as part of the landmark Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

The increased funding to the MRFF is a demonstration of the government’s commitment to research, and was a significant boost to the $13 million that was originally flagged prior to the Select Committee hearing and subsequent report.

The MRFF program includes more than $56 million for clinical trial research projects for devastating conditions like acute myeloid leukaemia and Lymphoma and will be made available for clinical trials during 2018-19.

The clinical trial breakdown includes:

  • $26 million to NHMRC to disperse for clinical trials — approved for support to ALLG BM12 CAST David Curtis via Monash submission, NHL31 EBV+ CNS lymphoma Maher Gandhi via University Queensland, and AMLM22 Platform Andrew Wei via Monash.
  • $5 million to ACTA for trial and registry networks — the ALLG involved as a member of ACTA, and Judith Trotman has been appointed as a Director to the ACTA Board.
  • $5 million to Canteen for clinical trials (Sarcoma, Brain and Blood) — ALLG has submitted ALL9 AYA Matthew Greenwood and we are waiting on an outcome.
  • $10 million to clinical trials addressing low survival rates — Submissions include NHL30 Petrea Trotman via Sydney University, Myeloma trial including frailty stratification Andrew Spencer via Monash, New trial of David Ritchie via University Melbourne. Due date 18 April 2018 and outcomes expected early June.
  • $50 million to the brain mission to develop new brain cancer research.

The ALLG was also able include a funding application for Associate Professor Judith Trotman and her team for an international, multi-centre clinical trial for patients with Follicular Lymphoma. The global lymphoma trial has the ability to set new standards of care on a global scale. The outcome of the funding application will be released later this year.

In addition to the research funding, the government also allocated $8 million to the MRFF Fellowship schemes and is available through new and existing programs. An important scheme for ALLG members is the Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Fellowship scheme as it provides support for health professionals to translate evidence into healthcare and public health improvements.

To apply for a TRIP fellowship, critical application information is available on GrantConnect. Applicants need to be registered with GrantConnect prior to starting an application in RGMS. To register, applicants must complete the New User Registration on the GrantConnect website.

Applications opened April 4th for the TRIP Fellowships and close 5pm AETD, 23rd May 2018, so there is still plenty of time to get an application started.

For more information on applying for the TRIP Fellowship, visit https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants-funding/apply-funding/translating-research-practice-trip-fellowships.

If you require assistance regarding the application process, please contact the Research Help Centre on 1-800 500 983, or email help@nhmrc.gov.au.