The ALLG biobank provides access to biospecimens to researchers from hospitals, universities, medical research institutes and other organisations, from within Australia or internationally.
All research involving human data and tissue must be approved by a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), and in Australia carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007). Human research conducted overseas must abide by the equivalent local regulations.
Clinicians, researchers and health service providers apply to the ALLG to access data and tissue samples in order to find better ways to predict, treat or even prevent disease.
Samples stored at the Hunter Cancer Biobank (HCB) are collected from patients all around Australia, who have been diagnosed with a haematological malignancy. Participants have consented for their sample and data to be collected and used in future ethically approved research projects.
Requested samples can be sourced from the current banked samples. Please follow the steps below:
- Step One – Contact the ALLG Biobank Coordinator Karin Dunne or on +61 3 8373 9725 to determine if the ALLG Biobank can provide you with your research needs.
- Step Two – Submit an Application. You will be required to complete and submit the following form.
All researchers requesting access to Biospecimens from the ALLG Biobank are required to complete and submit the application form.
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Uploaded: 1 September 2017 Modified: 28 April 2021