The ALLG biannual investigator meetings are working meetings of the membership of the group, not public conferences. The meetings are held in May and November each year.

A four day program*
Day 1
The first day provides an in-depth look at a specific disease area within haematology with the aim of advancing the knowledge of staff involved with ALLG trials.
Day 2
The second day of the meeting brings together data managers and research nurses who coordinate ALLG clinical trials at sites across Australia and New Zealand and provide them with pertinent information about ALLG trials. This provide an opportunity for data managers/research nurses to learn not only about the facets of upcoming and new ALLG trials, but important aspects and changes to ALLG trials already open at their sites.
Days 3 and 4
The last two days of the meeting provide an opportunity for clinicians to discuss new concepts of clinical trials, collaborate, share ideas, engage in robust scientific scrutiny of local and international studies, present updates of current, open to accrual studies, and present published data.
The ALLG Scientific Meeting is open to current members of the ALLG and data managers/research nurses working on ALLG trials. Representatives of pharmaceutical companies are permitted to attend the meetings, provided that sponsorship requirements have been met. However, sponsor representatives will not be able to attend the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and closed meetings where financial and other confidential matters may be discussed.
Sponsor an ALLG event
Sponsorship of the ALLG’s Scientific Meetings enables broad exposure for your business, access to lead clinicians and an opportunity to network for ongoing and future research.
Find out more about sponsoring the ALLG’s Scientific Meetings.
For further details about sponsorship, or for any enquiries about the biannual Scientific Meetings, please contact:
Stephanie Rawson
P: 03 8373 9702