DOI number |
10.58109/0xqy-d239 |
Publisher |
Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) |
Creator(s) |
Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG)
David Ross (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science)
Date Made Available |
2023 |
Dataset |
Individual participant data (IPD) in aggregate form |
Description of Dataset |
Dataset includes:
- Data for 40 patients with newly diagnosed CML
- Trial followed CML patients, post TKI thereapy, in complete remission. Patients were monitored for disease relapse post initial treatment.
- Dataset includes demographic data, diagnostic, treatment data, outcome data
Funding |
Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG)
Subject (ANZSRC Category) |
Cancer therapy (excl. chemotherapy and radiation therapy)
ANZCTR Reference |
ACTRN12606000118505 |
Publication(s) |
- Distribution of genomic breakpoints in chronic myeloid leukemia: analysis of 308 patients
- Reverse Transcription with Random Pentadecamer Primers Improves the Detection Limit of a Quantitative PCR Assay for BCR-ABL Transcripts in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Implications for Defining Sensitivity in Minimal Residual Disease
- Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia who maintain a complete molecular response after stopping imatinib treatment have evidence of persistent leukemia by DNA PCR
- Safety and efficacy of imatinib cessation for CML patients with stable undetectable minimal residual disease: results from the TWISTER study
- BCR-ABL1 doubling times more reliably assess the dynamics of CML relapse compared with the BCR-ABL1 fold rise: implications for monitoring and management
- Early molecular response and female sex strongly predict stable undetectable BCR-ABL1, the criteria for imatinib discontinuation in patients with CML
- Long-term treatment-free remission of chronic myeloid leukemia with falling levels of residual leukemic cells
- Modeling the safe minimum frequency of molecular monitoring for CML patients attempting treatment-free remission
- Lineage of measurable residual disease in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in treatment-free remission
- Successful treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukaemia and its association with reduced immune suppressors and increased natural killer cells
Dataset Access |
Access can be requested via the Health Data Australia catalogue. Search for the ACTRN number in the catalogue to find datasets associated with this trial or email enquiries to